H&Co for the web.

H&Co offers both cloud-hosted typography for developers,
and self-hosted font files for website owners.


Cloud-Hosted Web Fonts

Designed for developers, Cloud.typography is a subscription service that lets you use the entire H&Co font library on the websites you create, all delivered using a world-class CDN.

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    The whole H&Co library

    Access the more than 1,500 fonts in our continuously growing collection

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    Easy to integrate

    Configure and manage your site’s
    typography directly from the browser

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    A 100% CSS solution

    Using no JavaScript, Cloud.typography is a safe way to deliver files, not code

For more information, please contact our sales office at licensing@typography.com:


Self-Hosted Web Fonts

For website owners, H&Co web fonts can be downloaded and hosted on your own server. Included in both woff and woff2 formats, font licenses are priced by total monthly traffic.

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    Delivered from your architecture

    Avoid third-party integrations by serving fonts directly from your own hardware

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    Designed to grow with you

    Choose the plan that’s right for you, from 250,000 pageviews/month to unlimited traffic